Triestin-English dictionary
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Non é sempre semplice mantenere l'identitá culturale di un popolo quando i tempi della globalizzazione incalzano. Cosí, per affrontare la lingua globale senza perdere le radici del dialetto, ecco lo slang triestino di ogni giorno tradotto in inglese... |
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detti & proverbi...
- ciacole no fa fritole = chats make no pancakes
- xé piú giorni che luganighe = there are more days than sausages
- pian e ben = slowly & well
- grasso el dindio = fat the turkey
- ridi ridi che mama ga fato gnochi = laugh laugh that mom made germans
- Dio no xè furlan... = God is not wine with campari
- no'l paga ogi, el pagherá doman = if it doesn't pay today it will do it tomorrow
- viva là e pò bon = live there and after good
a scuola...
- doman niente scola = two hands nothing drips
- i me ga da sete in condota = they gave me thirst in water pipe
- no go capì una madona = i didn't understand a virgin Mary
- no go alba = haven't sunrise
- son andà in oca = i went into goose
- pico de sono = peak of sleep
a tavola...
- moro de fame = coloured of hungher
- a boca desidera = at motouth wishes
- pan integrale = 4-wheel drive bread
- fate un panin de volpe = have a fox sandwich
- una piadina de fasoi = a gentle kick of beans
- luganighe de cragno = skull sausages
- rognon = really big trouble
- rosolá in farsora = browned in make over
- formaio feta = feet cheese
- canditi = dog fingers
- un nero e un capo = a nigger and a boss
- un gocia e un coreto = a drop and a small choir
- culinaria = ass in the air
al mare...
- xè mareta = it's little mother
- ocio a no negarte = eye not to deny yourself
- me son butà a piron = i threw me forklike
- go fato una dorada = i made a gold-plated
- rota nord ovest = broken north west
- gá strambá = it bizarred
- guati = fucked
- dondoli = swings
- girai = turned-about
- ociade = glares
- moli = docks
- dondoli = swings
- parenzo = It seems enzo
- vado a portorose = i go to take roses
affari & finanza...
- no go pila = i haven't torch
- caga la pila = shit the battery
- caccia a pila = hunt the battery
- semo pari = we are fathers
- cinquecentomila col sconto = fivehundredthousands with the hidden
- massa caro = mass dear
- el me ga netà l'orto = he cleaned my vegetable garden
- millenovecento e ciapilo = nineteen houndred and catch it
- impiegato = Stand up, cat
- boni ovi = good eggs
- che Dio te daghi = that God gives you
- el fa el mona per no pagar el dazio = he does the cunt to skip custom fees
- el mato tazza = the crazy cup
- orca malora = killer whale bad hour
- teston de grota = big head of cave
- no te guanto = i don't glove you
- no te guanto più = night glove more
- ma va a reMengo = but go to king Mengo
- testa de baciro = cucumber head
- no slargarte = don't extend yourself
- te zerchi longhi? = Are you looking for longs?
- ma fame el piazer = but make me the pleasure
- meza lana = half wool
- bona lana = good wool
- taza anime = cup souls
- se te guanto te copo = if i glove you i tile you
- vaca mastela = cow but star
- su mare vaca! = up sea cow!
- tu mare grega = you sea greek
- fata la xè = fairy she is
- ciavite = key yourself
- xè vegnù fora cine = movie came out
- xè un fredo boia = it's hangman cold
- sti cazzi! = these dicks!
- ostia, za le due! = particol yellow two!
- son pien come una mina! = I'm full like a bomb!
frasi utili...
- sera la porta = evening the door
- sera i scuri = evening the darks
- sera la spina che scola = evening the thorn that school
- sera le persiane = evening the iranian women
- sera tuto = evening all
- dame pase = give me peace
- fa un momentin de mente locale = make a small moment of slow-train mints
- mola tuto = spring everything
- bloca i manzi = stop the oxen
- ocio de soto = eye of downside
- a ocio e crose = to eye and cross
- scampo via = shrimp road
- fazzo un scampon = i make a big shrimp
- no xé dito = it's not finger
- no xé dito = nut finger
- tropa roba = too much thing
- cossa nassi? = what's born?
- ben per ti = well for you
- un poco de quel che se ciama = a little bit of that it takes name
- te bati ben = it knock you well
- el fa el suo = it does its
- go ciapá una calda = i gotta hot
- tuto iuta = all juta
- va a savér = go to know
- vado insieme = i'm going together
- son andá insieme = i went together
- robe de ciodi = things of nails
- drio man = behind hand
- poco via = a little street
- a gamba fasul = at bean leg
- se vedi pena pena = you see it pain pain
- che nove te me conti? = what nine do you count me?
- el sta in un quartierin in primo pian = he stands in a small district in first slowly
- milenovecento e ciapilo = nineteenhundred and catch it
- l'omo vespa = the scooter man
- el riva doman = he shore two hands
- dove te ieri? = where you yesterday?
- se vedemo ogi oto = see us today eight
- ma fame rider = but hungher laugh
- mai de meio = never of better
- papagal! che ora xè? = urinal! what time is it?
- tuto el giorno a bater carte = all the day beating papers
- Basovizza = Kissvizza
- el xè andà insieme = he went toghether
- xè vegnù fora cine = movie came out
- xè un fredo boia = it's a hangman cold
- me se sta iazando i sentimenti = my feelings are freezing
- xè un mato colo = he's a crazy neck
- el xè spudà de su mare = he's spit up of sea
- el fa i suoi porchi comodi = he makes his pigs comfortable
- la magna memoria = she feeds on RAM
- go le scarpe nove = my shoes are nine
- el se ga piturà col motorin = he painted himself with the small engine
- me ciamo fora = my name is outside
- te son fora come un pergolo = you're out like a terrace
- guai se te caschi = troubles seven helmets
- guai se te scampi = troubles seven prawns
- cos'che no' ga de esser la natura = what hasn't to be the nature
- el se ga stampà co'l motorin = he printed himself with a small-engine
- cantoni = anthony dog
- gatabuia = dark cat